
When You Grind For a Living, Life Tends to Grind You Back

Monday, November 15, 2010

Healthy Body = Healthy Soul = Healthy Mind

My girlfriend reminded me to stay away from caffeine, not just for my sleep but also for my playing. So yeah, maybe I have to let go of caffeine again, even tea. Caffeine may wake me up temporarily, but I think it makes me lose focus, or at least maybe it's the crash after. It also makes me agitated, animated and talkative and overall uncomfortable. I think I'm better off without it, I'll just order hot water when I'm playing. Or bring my own herbal tea.

Which reminds me, I think when I'm playing live I play too long. But it's not like online where you can close tables in a click and browse the internet or whatnot, there's a lack of things to do in between sessions. I wonder how I'll keep optimum focus on the tables. Do I divide my sessions into two sittings as opposed to a long one? Do I take longer breaks as opposed to the quick trip to the bathroom? If I were a smoker this would be much easier, but that's out of the question.

I've been getting a lot of healthy body = healthy soul = healthy mind reminders lately. I suppose I should be setting some goals on improving my overall well being. I've lost a considerable amount of weight, and I've stopped working out and training months ago. I have this elbow injury that I haven't consulted the doctor about, so I have to do that first before I start working out/training again. I aim to hit 140lbs gaining muscle weight, with or without the aid of supplements. No steroids please. Hmmm, maybe I should aim to do 200 pushups and situps again just to get me close to the same shape I was before. That or I find a boxing gym/muay thai/mma gym somewhere and start training again.

Also, I don't remember the last time I went out on a Saturday night and grabbed a drink or two.I don't even remember the last time I saw my close friends. We're in a time in our lives where we each have our own shtick, and schedules don't really cooperate. And I sure as hell can't remember the last time I went to the beach or even saw the sea (seeing it from Marcos Highway in Baguio does not count). I want to go to Anawangin Cove in Zambales because it's not commercialized. Camp out under the trees, swim in the beach, trek up the hills, no hotels, no cellphones, just nature at it's finest. Yeah that would be awesome.

So cliffs. No more caffeine, consult a doctor, find a place to work out/train, work out/train, go out more, go to the beach before the year ends.

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The Poker Mindset

POKER is NOT about making money.

Yes, we measure ourselves by that bottom line, BUT Poker is all about making the right decisions - the best possible decision with regards to that bottom line. It's about making a decision with the best long-term outcome. It's about making this decision EVERY TIME, at EVERY MOMENT, and at EVERY CROSSROAD.

The money we make is just the result that REWARDS the decisions we make.

We are not here "to make money" - if you play that way, you will inevitably make the wrong decisions...even when you do get lucky.

DO THE RIGHT THING. Drop your ego and fold to the outrageous bluff-raise. Make that positive EV call even if it means you could get stacked. Use your best judgment with the available information every time.

Do the right thing, and the rewards will follow.

This is how we play. This is how we live.