
When You Grind For a Living, Life Tends to Grind You Back

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Grind of the Body and Mind

Just in case you have the wrong mental image, no, i'm not grinding my body for a living.

I'm on my 5th or 6th week of MMA training - yey me! I've noticed a significant improvement in my energy level and cardio and strength, though it's still not enough to hang with the big boys. I'm planning on upping my training frequency to 4-5 times a week and jog in the mountains once a week. That ought to get me into shape. As for technique, I think I'm still pretty decent on my feet, owing much to my Muay Thai experience. I suck at wrestling, my base is all over the place. On the ground I *could* do ok but I gas way too quickly to implement anything.

I have a new-found respect for professional fighters. Apparently training is freakin hard as balls. So far I only do it 3 times a week. They do it 6 days a week, 2-3 times a day. And training up here in the mountains is something else. I remember my first week where I couldn't even breath after a round. I do better now, but I still have a long way to go to get into a decent cardio condition.

On my 3rd week of training I injured my left big toe. It's now close to 4 weeks and it still isn't completely healed, but at least now I can train without using sports tape and support for it. Aside from that it's the usual bruised toes and feet, skinned elbows and blisters, but I don't mind those. Hopefully my big toe injury isn't anything serious.

Got caught in an armbar yesterday. Funny thing is he was cranking the whole way and my hyper-extendable elbows are more than accommodating. It didn't even hurt but it looked gnarly. I bet in a real match the referee will stop the fight that instant. My previous observation about Baguio fighters is still correct though, they're not much into the ground game. Good thing I have Gracie DVDs to supplement my ground game.

As for poker, I've been playing every now and then. Nothing as serious as before. Been having very good results, except for recently. MMA training helps that area too. It gives me an outlet for tilt. There's nothing like punching something or someone to release some stress.

I'll start chronicling my grind and my training again here. It helps to evaluate progress and put it into writing.

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The Poker Mindset

POKER is NOT about making money.

Yes, we measure ourselves by that bottom line, BUT Poker is all about making the right decisions - the best possible decision with regards to that bottom line. It's about making a decision with the best long-term outcome. It's about making this decision EVERY TIME, at EVERY MOMENT, and at EVERY CROSSROAD.

The money we make is just the result that REWARDS the decisions we make.

We are not here "to make money" - if you play that way, you will inevitably make the wrong decisions...even when you do get lucky.

DO THE RIGHT THING. Drop your ego and fold to the outrageous bluff-raise. Make that positive EV call even if it means you could get stacked. Use your best judgment with the available information every time.

Do the right thing, and the rewards will follow.

This is how we play. This is how we live.