
When You Grind For a Living, Life Tends to Grind You Back

Monday, December 13, 2010

Focal Points

So yeah, still on the topic of focus.

First off, I don't think having a hand quota per session suits me. It just doesn't work for me. It didn't work a few months ago, and it doesn't work now. I don't really know why I tried to do it again. So now I'm gonna measure them by length in time. I've decided to keep my sessions (absurdly) short - like an hour to an hour thirty, but mostly leaning towards one hour. Based on my weeklong study of my online grind, symptoms of distraction/tilt usually come up around the 1:30 mark of a grind, and my performance peaks towards the 2/3 mark of the session, so that makes 1 hour to an hour 30 my ideal length of session. I just have to add more sessions per day to make a decent amount of hands per week.

Also, I think I need to add more tables. My original plan was to reduce tables to better adjust to the game at my current limit, but all it did was make me too involved in hands. And I mean too involved in 2 ways:  I enter a bit more pots than I should and the outcome of the hands affect me more as I can totally see what's happening in all my tables. I'm only currently 4 tabling max, so for this week I'm gonna add 1 or 2 until I feel like I'm not too concerned about any one hand at a time. Hope this works. If you have some advice, drop a comment below.

I'm currently studying the intricacies of CBetting and Double Barreling. I feel (know) that I'm CBetting too often, and I find there are times when I find reasons to stop barreling when I should've barreled and vice versa. But still, I know cbetting too much is exploitable, and I've already felt some regs try this - not to mention I've been doing this to robo-regs as well. And my double barreling needs some work too - something I'm doing just doesn't feel right. I should focus on fixing this part of my game, because if I feel like I'm having trouble now then for sure I'm gonna have trouble in the higher limits. If you have some good resources, drop a comment below.

Anyway, I'm just starting to bounce back from a losing streak. I came close to a 10BI crash, but I'm now managing to pull the throttle up and gain some altitude back. It's interesting to know that I'll be having a new neighbor in the stakes I'm playing (yes that's you Francis). The 2nd batch guys are catching up, but it's more like I'm slowing down. I haven't been playing as much as I should - they're playing 3 times as many hands as me and are working 3 times as hard - at least. I'm still working on my focus, but it's getting there don't worry.  It's nice to see people's hard work paying off, it inspires me to work harder and focus more (at least in theory). And now I get to have someone to have some serious discussions with about strategy in the stakes I'm playing.

It's a long way from NL30 to NL50, so I better get my focus on! My hands played for last month was a joke, Daredevil (Rene) can most likely do it in a session or two. This month isn't looking good either volume-wise, too many other things competing for my attention. I'll be coming back from Pampanga later today I hope, then off to the grind once more.

Oh, one more thing, I'm feeling good about the upcoming 5M Metro Christmas Tournament. Will be trying out some satellites this week, but if those don't pan out it only means the universe wants me to be staked.


  1. What's your Cbet% postflop? My 2 cents, I think you should not worry on Cbets and work on aggression factor instead. You can mix up your post flop action by adding 'check/raise'. That would not increase your flop cbet but it definitely increases your AF. And did you just mention that you are still 4 tabling only? come on man! It's Full Ring for Keshneil's sake. haha

    We hate fish??? hell No. haha.

  2. read this just now haha kasi walang magandang table sa NL30. try the psychological training vids. there's an episode about mindfullness. it'll teach you how to "single task."

    btw, watch 'em all kasi they all work together.

  3. @kidspaghetti - yeah i'm only 4 tabling, but not because I can't 6-8 table. Im just messed up in the head.

    @mosh - im gonna try that again. i hope i can get past the first 5 mins next time


The Poker Mindset

POKER is NOT about making money.

Yes, we measure ourselves by that bottom line, BUT Poker is all about making the right decisions - the best possible decision with regards to that bottom line. It's about making a decision with the best long-term outcome. It's about making this decision EVERY TIME, at EVERY MOMENT, and at EVERY CROSSROAD.

The money we make is just the result that REWARDS the decisions we make.

We are not here "to make money" - if you play that way, you will inevitably make the wrong decisions...even when you do get lucky.

DO THE RIGHT THING. Drop your ego and fold to the outrageous bluff-raise. Make that positive EV call even if it means you could get stacked. Use your best judgment with the available information every time.

Do the right thing, and the rewards will follow.

This is how we play. This is how we live.