
When You Grind For a Living, Life Tends to Grind You Back

Friday, December 17, 2010

It is Finished

The funny thing about December is that it's the month where things end and other things are about to begin.

I've recently graduated from the APA VIP Training Program! Handshakes for everyone! I was especially anxious about the final requirements - I didn't want to look like a moron after going through the training. So much for that, I absolutely did look like a moron. It's kinda tilting to be unsure about things, and it's even more tilting when you're sure you messed up. Well, there's no point crying over spilled milk - especially when apparently you've done a good enough job cleaning it up. I'm proud to say I've learned a lot from the program and that it has changed my view of the game. So that's that. WOOHOO!

I'd like to thank my coaches RON and RAMIL for having the patience and generosity to teach us and help us. Also I'd like to thank my classmates Albert and Johann, it was a blast learning with you and from you. Ok, enough of this, I'm starting to sound like a beauty pageant contestant.

I'm in the process of moving out of my place into the new place we got. Finally got the permit to move, yeah, this story is so tilting I don't even want to share it. I've moved some stuff already, though it's mostly the non-essential stuff. My friend RJ's gonna handle things from now on, so I won't have to sue/murder people.

I've been busy these past few days. I've been traveling a lot handling some business crap I have to do. Don't get me wrong, I like handling my ventures, I just don't like the feeling of being busy. Maybe that's why I love poker. I'll be back in town later, hopefully to catch some of the tournament action at the Metro or get some action from the early bustouts at Midas.

I'm trying not to grind online while I'm fixing business stuff. Playing with have an unfocused brain will surely cost me money. But from the recent short sessions I had in between work I find I'm building an upward momentum again. Been minding my plays and my opponents more and it seems to be paying off.

This blog's turning more and more into a life blog than just a poker blog. I've been thinking of making other blogs for my non-poker writing, but then who'll read them? Do I want to write for writing's sake or do I want to write for an audience? Maybe the RSS feed can be based on entry tags, so for example only my poker tagged entries will be broadcast in pokermanila's blogroll. I'll look into that. Thinking about making other blogs makes me not want to do it.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats Mr. Bubble boy! nOw it's up to us to play better! GL GL


The Poker Mindset

POKER is NOT about making money.

Yes, we measure ourselves by that bottom line, BUT Poker is all about making the right decisions - the best possible decision with regards to that bottom line. It's about making a decision with the best long-term outcome. It's about making this decision EVERY TIME, at EVERY MOMENT, and at EVERY CROSSROAD.

The money we make is just the result that REWARDS the decisions we make.

We are not here "to make money" - if you play that way, you will inevitably make the wrong decisions...even when you do get lucky.

DO THE RIGHT THING. Drop your ego and fold to the outrageous bluff-raise. Make that positive EV call even if it means you could get stacked. Use your best judgment with the available information every time.

Do the right thing, and the rewards will follow.

This is how we play. This is how we live.